Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Statement of Inquiry:

  • Factual: How can a reader find the transformation of the common things and events of everyday into the awesome and the unreal through reading magical realist stories?

  • Conceptual: How does Surrealism communicate the global issues of the time? How does perspective vary based on social and cultural circumstances?

  • Debatable: How is magical realism an art of surprises?

  • To what extent does time exist in a kind of timeless fluidity and the unreal happens as part of reality.

Global Issues

  • Otherness

  • Spiritual and physical deformities

  • Cruelty

  • Corruption

  • Power

  • Poverty

  • Celebrity culture (Handsomest Drowned Man”

  • Environmental destruction/ Climate change

  • Religion and religious conflicts

Representation (HL Essay)

Transformation (HL Essay)

Love/Nature/ Identity (HL essay)

Creativity (HL Essay)

Communication (HL Essay)