Chi Teen Lit Fest/YAL 2020

Chi Teen LIT Fest 2020

Teens! Spend the day with us, Tatiana and Yabrielle, two performing artists from Bogan High School. We'll be teaching you the difference between spoken word poetry and dramatic interpretation of texts. You'll be analyzing poetry and dramatization by yours truly as well as by older authors! Through this workshop, we hope to ignite the fire of creativity within you! Your questions will be answered and your voice matters to us! We truly hope you'll come to see us and make some connections. So let's have fun and learn together on and off the mic!

Promo Video

Lights, Camera, Action, Promo

Engage with young minds!

Service Learning CHI TEEN LIT FEST and Virtual Summit 2020

Reflect/Service Learning

YAL 2020

Digital Journal and Portfolios

Workshop Description:

Imagine a life in Google Classroom that is more efficient and less chaotic. Organizing students’ ideas, responses, reflections, and metacognitive thinking about their learning has never been easier! This workshop will focus on streamlining learning in any content by using digital notebooks or portfolios to empower thinking and ignite creativity in your classroom. Participants will explore the power of using GOOGLE Slides or Docs to streamline the learning experiences of their students. In this workshop, teachers will see effective models of portfolios and journals and will also learn how to use digital notebooks and journals.

Date: December 4

Laadimi/Baltsas Presentation

Workshop Description:

When two disciplines unite, students are better are able to make inherent connections between and among their classes, can readily construct knowledge, analyze concepts, and connect ideas rooted in their personal lives. This workshop will articulate the significant impact that interdisciplinary collaboration has on learning and will also show models of collaborative practices that engage students meaningfully through academic discourse, writing, and reading practices.

Date: December 5