Animal Farm Web Quest

What is a web quest? A Web Quest is an inquiry-based activity you are given a task and provided with access to online resources to help you complete the task. You will be using the links provided below to complete your class notes for Assignment 14.

Instructions for Assignment 14: Use the red and blue hyperlinks provided below to complete your notes

George Orwell

Complete your notes by reviewing the quizlet and writing down 5 things you learned about George Orwell.

1. What was his birth name?

2. Where did he work in his early years?

3. How did Orwell feel about Socialism and Communism?

4. Besides Britain, what 3 other countries did George Orwell work in?

5. How did Orwell feel about using "BIG" words

5 Stylistic Techniques

Complete your notes by answering each question. Use the sources provided.

  1. IRONY: What are the 3 types of irony used in the story?

  2. ALLEGORY: What is an allegory? How is "Animal Farm an allegory for the Russian Revolution?

  3. SATIRE What is Satire? How is it used in the story?

  4. SYMBOLISM: What are the three symbols used in the story?

  5. PROPAGANDA: What is propaganda? What three animlas use propaganda techniques?


Complete your notes by answering each question. Use this source

  1. What do the main characters represent?

  2. Who are the 4 main characters?

  3. Who are the 3 secondary characters?

  4. What do Napoleon's dogs represent?

  5. Who speaks out against Napoleon?

Historical Context: The Russian Revolution

Use this source to answer questions 2-5

  1. Write down a famous revolution you have studied.

  2. Describe the POWER of the Russian army

  3. Who was overthrown in the initial revolution?

  4. What are three reasons for the revolution of 1917?

  5. Which political party eventually came out on top?

Global Issues/Themes

read frames 1-4 in to answer the questions

  1. What revolution are the global issues politically aligned with?

  2. How was social class an issue in 1917?

  3. How do the animals represent social class?

  4. How was inequality evident in 1917?

  5. Who are the two forces of power/control in "Animal Farm?"