Self- Care

Tips for self- care

1.  Carve out time for yourself to do something that feels good – go for a hot drink, have a bath, read a good book; do something that brings you joy.

2.  Notice your self-talk, and cut yourself some slack. Everybody makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Speak to yourself as you would a friend.

3.  Discover JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out) and give social media a miss for a while. Everybody posts their best selves and it can make us feel bad that our lives don’t match up. Be kind and have a day free of social comparison.

4.  Acknowledge your successes. We’re always quick to do that for others, so why not take a few minutes and consider all you’ve achieved. Well done you!

5.  Hang out with your cheerleaders. Spend time with the people who uplift you and support you. The ones that fill your tank.

6.  Take your daily ‘MEDS’ (Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet and Sleep). Looking after your mind and body is a great form of self-kindness.