Emotional Regulation for Children and Adolescents

What is Emotional Regulation?

Emotional regulation describes a persons ability to manage and respond to an emotional experience.

Emotional responses are habitual, deliberate, or without awareness. Emotional regulation differs from child to child and children develop their own coping styles.

Children and adolescents ability to regulate emotions are still developing so it is important that we support children who are unable to regulate their emotions to find.

Emotional Literacy and Communication

There is not such thing as a 'bad' feeling. Support your child to be able to communicate with you about their thoughts and feelings. 

Encourage Help Seeking

Asking for help is not always easy, especially if the young person is not aware that they need help or can access help.

If unsure, contact a member of the wellbeing team or your child's teacher for support or guidance.

Modelling Positive Behaviours 

Let your children know that they can talk to you and that feelings stressed or distressed is okay.It is important to teach and model for children helpful ways to diffuse from emotional distress in helpful ways- e.g. talking about their concerns, mindfulness, exercise or help seeking.

Children who are able to regulate emotions and with increased emotional literacy can be more resilient, self aware, develop helpful coping skills and responses and recognise feelings and manage their behaviours.

What are Helpful Coping Strategies?

What are Unhelpful coping Strategies?

Ways to support