5 Takeaways About Technology

When it comes to technology and an ever evolving world, this language is not our native tongue. There is plenty we don’t understand, and we have as much to learn as any of our children. Yet, this topic has become LOADED for parents across all ages, and there is so much judgment in all directions. While this can make it feel terrifying to express our concerns with others, communication is always beneficial. 

In development, we always talk about the importance of breaking tasks into pieces for our children. By helping them to tackle challenges step by step, we can help them to succeed. With technology, this may mean bending some of your rules, without breaking them. Ask yourself, would you be ok with giving your child limited access to something they want?

Hard as it may be, we need to consider how our own social media presence impacts our children. If you’ve been posting photos of them since the delivery room, you may want to consider a new approach.

It is important for all of us to remember that we cannot control what others do, or the rules and norms of a different family. Each of us are so different and our decisions must be based on our individual needs. Whenever we try to ask others to enforce limits that are unique to us, we are not only overestimating our own control, but are likely overlooking the value in having our children interact with different experiences and families.

Monitoring your child’s activity does not have to be a super secret spy mission, or your full time job. (NOTE: If your child is making poor choices each and every day, it may actually be a sign that they aren’t ready for the device or access). Think of your role as getting involved and interested in your child’s digital life, helping them to be successful online (for example, explaining to them how their text may be interpreted), and adding advice and value to hard moments.  

This article is edited from an original article by Dr Aliza Pressman