

The primary goal of practising Mindfulness is to enable you to maintain a calm, non-judgemental awareness by focusing on your breathing.

Note: Mindfulness can be practised in any location (e.g. when using public transport to/from work, or in a park). It only requires a few minutes of your time and can have immediate benefits.

Breathing for stress and anxiety

There may be times when you may feel over-anxious or experience anxiety to the point of panic, the strategies following may reduce these feelings.

Strategies for reducing stress and anxiety

Breathing tips:

1.    Hold your breath for 6 seconds (time it)

2.    Breathe in and out every 6 seconds

3.    Say relax under your breath as you breathe out

4.    Stop after a minute or when your anxiety drops

5.    Practice slow breathing for one minute four times a day then it will be easy to use when you need it


Visualisation is a way of distracting you from disturbing or stressful thoughts. Close your eyes and bring to mind a happy memory (this could be a holiday, a favourite walk or activity etc.), try to go through this memory in as much detail as possible trying to recall sounds, smells and colours that make the memory more vivid.

For further mindfulness resources, take a look at 

 Ms Bushnell's mindfulness videos below
