Study Skills Resources


Organization in the ability to keep track of information, time and materials. To be successful we need to develop systems that will help us stay organized. 

Ways to stay organized

What is Self-Activation?

Self-Activation is the executive function that turns your engine on and keeps you going. Some cars go from 0-60 in ten seconds and others it takes 10 seconds to reach the same speed. Similarly, people also accelerate at different rates. Some are quick to start a task and are able to stay with it and complete it and others are slower to start and “run out of gas” before they finish. Some procrastinate so often they rarely start anything when they should.

Practice Activity: Understanding your Procrastination 

Describe a task that you recently delayed completing?

Explain why you procrastinated?

Which of the common mistakes listed might explain your procrastination?

Did you eventually complete the task? What got you started?

Common Mistakes Procrastinators Make