Student Athletes

11th/12th Athlete meeting

Presentation for the Jr./Sr. Student-Athlete Meeting.

FAQ's for Student Athletes

Where do I register for the NCAA?

When should I register for the NCAA?

​You should register at the beginning of your sophomore year in high school. You will want to make sure you are on track to graduate on time and meet the NCAA's required initial-eligibility standards.

​What type of account should I create?

See differences in accounts ​HERE:

How do I qualify for a NCAA Eligibility Center Fee waiver?

​If you are eligible for an SAT/ACT waiver, you will qualify for a fee waiver with the NCAA. Please contact Mr. Suber for details. 

I need my transcript uploaded to the NCAA. What do I need to do?

​After creating an account with the NCAA Eligibility Center, email Mrs. Shryock ( or Mr. Suber ( to request that your transcript be uploaded. 

A college coach is requesting my transcript. Who should I contact?

​Email your school counselor with the coach’s contact information. Your counselor will provide the coach with an unofficial copy of your transcript.

When are transcripts uploaded to the NCAA?

​Transcripts are uploaded to the NCAA at the end of JUNIOR year. The NCAA requires the transcript to reflect 6 complete semesters of coursework. 

How and when will my final transcript be sent to the NCAA?

​Final transcripts will be sent upon graduation. Transcripts will automatically be sent for all senior students that are registered with the NCAA at that time. Please make sure you have an eligibility center account before graduation if you plan to play collegiate sports. 

How do I send my SAT/ACT scores to the NCAA?

​Official test scores must be sent by the STUDENT. We do not have official score reports. Students can do this by using code ‘9999” when taking the SAT/ACT.

​Important Links

Helpful Handouts

Honest Game

CMS and Hough High School are moving to a new platform called HONEST GAME.  

More information coming soon!