Writing with a Purpose in Minecraft

Getting students to write is a challenge at all levels.  Minecraft Education Edition can help make writing assignments more fun and meaningful by engaging students with material and inspiring their creativity.  Explore several writing lesson ideas below that use a variety of Minecraft worlds that can be adapted to fit most grade levels. 

Learning Targets:

Important tips before using Minecraft Education Edition

Target: Identify & Explore Minecraft Worlds That Support Writing

Model Lesson

Lesson Objectives:

Writing Booklet Template

Six Page Writing Template - Cyber Safe
Print on 11x17" Paper (Tabloid Setting)

Teacher Notes for Lesson Delivery

Wrap-up options: 

1. Pair students with a partner to reach each other's books aloud and then make corrections.  

2. Read writing prompts and let students share their responses.

3. Ask students what was the most important safety tip they learned from the CyberSafe World. 

Informative Writing

Option 1

About the 'Active Citizen' World

The 'Active Citizen' pre-made world can be found in the Minecraft Subject Kits library under History and Culture. This world provides engaging encounters with several Nobel Peace Prize recipients from around the world. (Note: this world does not provide the option to use the camera and book and quill.)

Writing topic: What do Nobel Prize Winners have in common?

Option 2

About the 'Build with Bees' World

The 'Build with Bees' world can be found in the Subject Kits library under Climate & Sustainability. This world provides multiple opportunities to learn about the role Bees play in the world. 

Writing Topic: Protect the Bees

Option 3

Minecraft World: Extinction Safari

About the 'Extinction Safari' World

The Extinction Safari is a pre-built world that can be found in the Minecraft Subject Kits library under Climate & Sustainability. The world has two parts.  The first part is a rollercoaster ride with station stops that have information about animals that are now extinct. At the end of the roller coaster is a Biomes Museum that provides a tour of the different Biomes of Earth,  including an area that focuses on the impact of deforestation.

Writing Topic: Extinction and Adaptation

A modified version of this world can be used by visiting 'Comb's Extinction Safari'.  I added teleport buttons to make navigating the world faster and included a Google form activity for an added layer of accountability and fun.  Writing activities are included on the Combs Extinction Safari web page.

Narrative Writing

Minecraft World: Narrative in Perspective 

About the 'Narrative in Perspective' World

Locate this world in the Minecraft Literacy and Language Subject library under Additional Lessons. 

In this world, students will interact with a non-player character who gives them activities to accomplish.  They will have to find books with guiding questions and write in the books.  The culminating written work will be a visitor's guide to the uncharted land written in second person.

Minecraft World: Setting in Narrative Writing 

About the 'Setting in Narrative Writing' World

Locate this world in the Literacy and Language Subject library under Additional Lessons. 

This world prompts students to answer questions as they travel through the world. 

Writing Task: Write a detailed description of a Minecraft building/world.  The description should give specific details that enable the builders to create the building based on the words.  Once complete, exchange descriptions and then open a 'Blocks of Grass' world and build based on the written description. Use the camera to take a picture of the final product and add the picture to a Book with the description provided. Export and display in the room or on the class website.

Poetry Writing

Minecraft World: Where I'm From

About the Where I'm From World

This world is found in the Minecraft Literacy and Language Subject Library in Additional Lessons. 

Students explore two types of poetry about where a person is from, then selects how he/she would like to continue in the world creating their own poem in Minecraft.  Students who know how to build in Minecraft will enjoy this world.  

Writing Task: Enter the 'Where I'm From' world and visit both poetry activities.  Then exit the world and save.  Students write their own poems about where they are from. Swap poems with a classmate.  Reopen the saved world and build the classmate's poem.  Have a gallery walk with the written poem and Minecraft poem displayed. 

About the 'Six Room Poem' World

This world is found in the Minecraft Literacy and Language Subject library in Additional lessons.  This is a great world to help students find their voice and focus on word choice.  Before beginning this lesson, have the students select an item.  It could be something they pull from a box, something you randomly assign, or something they pick on their own. As they travel through the maze of rooms, they will write about the item based on the Minecraft room topic. Make a copy of the Google Doc linked below to guide students as they move from room to room.  

Writing Options

Target: Utilize a variety of writing activities that support Student Choice and Voice

Writing with digital media (Word, Docs, Slides, etc.)

Writing in Minecraft (Book and Quill)

Google Classroom Comments

MS Teams Channel Chats

Six Page Booklets/Paper


