Field Day Fiasco

Your class has waited seven months for this day.  The weather is perfect, the volunteers are arriving, and everything is set up....except the coach can't find his lucky number three whistle.  Nothing happens on field eight until the coach can find his lucky whistle.  Everyone, including the eight parent volunteers, is frantically searching but it is nowhere to be found.  The games won't begin, until this game is finished.  Good luck, you're going to need it!

Our Trip to Jamestown

     Before field day, we went on a trip to Jamestown.  We visited the dig site where the fort stood.  We started at the West Bulwark site, then walked to the Jamestown Churches.  From the Churches we went to the Barracks where we learned about 'mud and stud' architecture.  After the Barracks, we visited the Quarter, which was really a cellar.  From the Quarter we made our way to the Smithfield Well.  Our final stop before leaving was at the Captain's Burial Site. Evidently, he died shortly after the fort was built.  

     We had a blast at the Fort.  I can't wait to go back again.