Nobel Peace Center Tour (M:EE)

Welcome to the Nobel Peace Center.  Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize as a way to award people who make significant achievements that advance peace around the world.  Look around inside the Peace Center, then spend time in each of the four featured prize-winning recipients' life experience simulations to learn about how their contributions help make the world a better place. 

Watch this video about Alfred Nobel and his Peace Center.

As you visit each station in the Nobel Peace Center, use the activities below to enhance your learning.


Write a poem that exemplifies the characteristics of one of the prize winners. 

Create a blog post about one of the prize winners. 

Write an article for the school newspaper about the Nobel prize and someone you think is deserving of it and why. 


Use a coding program like Scratch, MakeCode Arcade, or Minecraft to create a game that illustrates one of the prize winner's life. 


Create a board game that includes elements from the Nobel prize winner's life. 

Create a billboard using a program like Canva or Google slides to advertise the Nobel Prize Museum.