Perspective & Persuasive Writing

This lesson explores why people view things differently and includes:

  • Reading from Informational Text

  • Why laws are made/changed

  • Persuasive Writing

  • Collaboration

  • Revision

Direction: Read the article below about dogs going with their owner to restaurants. You may also click the link to open the article in a new tab. New York will allow dogs to dine

New York will allow dogs to dine _ Smithsonian TweenTribune.pdf

What is Persuasive Writing

The article was written to inform (tell about) readers about a law. Laws are created by people who are elected. The majority (most) of the elected people in a governing body must approve (say yes) before a law is put into action.

Sometimes people write to their representatives (elected people) to let them know if they like or want a certain law. This type of writing is called persuasive because it is meant to convince someone to see things through their eyes or change their mind about something. This is how laws are created, changed, or eliminated. Persuasive writing is a very important and powerful skill to have.

Spin the wheel to see which perspective you will use when writing about dogs in restaurants.

Write a letter from the perspective of whatever your spin gave you. Use the rubric to make sure you meet all of the writing expectations for this assignment.

Persuasive Writing Rubric

Swap papers with a classmate. Read each other's letter aloud while the other listens. Discuss what needs to be corrected and make necessary changes to improve the letter. Use the rubric above to guide your discussion.

Publish and display your work. Once papers have been corrected. Re-read them aloud to a peer one more time to make sure they are indeed persuasive. Last step it to make it look official by re-writing on clean paper, or using a word processing program like Google Docs or Microsoft Word or OneNote to publish.