Digital Citizenship & Portfolio Management

Digital portfolios are a powerful way to show student growth, provide meaningful feedback, and promote student ownership of learning. Seesaw is a free or paid app that provides a safe environment for teachers, students, and parents to share student work, track progress, and learn about digital citizenship.

Target: Utilize the power of Seesaw to manage digital portfolios while teaching students about appropriate ways to interact online in a safe environment that is monitored by the instructor.

Access this site using the QR code or

Empowered Learner - Indicator 1c

  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Digital Citizen - Indicator 2b

  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

Creative Communicator- Indicator 6d

  • Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Citizen- Indicators 3a, 3d

  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.

  • Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect student data privacy.

Designer- Indicator 5c

  • Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning

Facilitator- Indicator 6a

  • Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.

Analyst- Indicators 7a, b, & c

  • Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning using technology.

  • Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction.

  • Use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents and education stakeholders to build student self-direction.

Teacher Process

Step 1: Select User Type @ Seesaw

Step 2: Create Account or Sign in

Step 3: Create Class

Step 4: Select Student Sign-in Method

Choice 1: QR code

Pros - Easy for students to get signed in quickly with no need to spend instructional time waiting for a lengthy username and password to be entered. Best option for younger students. (Pre-K - 2)

Cons- Teacher enters student names manually. Students could pretend to be someone else when claiming work. Must have device to read QR code.

Choice 2: Sign in with email

Pros - Teacher does not have to create an account for each student.

Student work is automatically linked to email account.

Cons - Students must have a class code to join. (Class code expires in 1 hour, but a new code can be generated at any time.)

Could take longer to get logged into the class.

Students must have email.

Step 5: Print Class QR Code (if using)

Bookmark or add Seesaw app to student devices.

Display the QR Code page somewhere in the classroom.

Caution: Do not allow the QR Code to be taken outside of the class. Anyone can add content to the class with the code.

The code seen here is for the ISTE2018 Session.

Step 6: Customize Settings (Wrench icon)

  • Class - Appearance, invite co-teachers

  • Student - Manage editing options, edit names

  • Family - Invite family, manage members

  • Class Blog - Enable/disable blog

  • Folders - Create folders for organizing work

  • Skills - Add skills for tracking progress (paid)

  • Other - Camera roll and video quality

  • Reset QR Code & Family Access

  • Archive Class

Digital Citizenship in Seesaw

Seesaw allows for teachers to gradually release control of student interaction as merited by behavior. Suggestions for Seesaw Class settings based on user experience are provided below. Settings can be changed at any time by the teacher.

Beginning Users

First time users of Seesaw should keep the settings a private as possible when getting started. Set up the feed so that students can see their own work only. Discuss with students the importance of safe practices when interacting in the online world. Compare and contrast interactions in the real-world and in the online virtual world.

Intermediate Users

When students are ready, gradually release some control. Allow students to see each other's posts. Encourage students to like each other's work. Comments can be allowed with teacher moderation at this level. Explain to students that their comments will only be visible once the teacher approves them.

Advanced Users

When ready, teachers can turn off moderation and allow students to post content and comments to the class feed. A class blog can be created with selected student work to be shared either with a link or publicly available. Publishing to a global audience raises the level of engagement and ownership. Learning is transformed.

Parents can be invited to see their child's work at any stage of use. Teachers can allow parents to share their child's work with other family members. Parent ability to comment on student work can be turned on or off and moderated.

Seesaw and Digital Citizenship Presentation

Digital Citizenship for Seesaw.pptx

Teach students about using Seesaw as it applies to Digital Citizenship. The embedded slide presentation includes notes for presenters to use. Download a copy and personalize to fit individual teaching situations.

"Scrapbooks are nice, and can serve as memory pieces – but you can’t just say it’s a portfolio without any kind of reflection..."

~David Niguidula

How Digitial Portfolios Document and Motivate Learning by Allison Zmuda

Meet the Presenter

I am honored to share what my district has done for student achievement with the international education community at ISTE 2018.

Clarksville, Tennessee is my home and I have worked there at CMCSS, for 23 years in various roles.

I have three grown children, one grandchild, and one great-grand horse.

Twitter handle: @jreaderh

Tech Time with Julie Blog


  • ISTE Presenter 2018

  • Technology Integration Coach

  • At-Risk Coordinator

  • Computer Literacy Instructor

  • Middle and Elementary Classroom Instructor


  • Arkansas State University- EDS Educational Leadership

  • Cumberland University- MA Education

  • University of Tennessee (K)- BS Elementary Education
