call flow outbound
Presentation reviewed with the OB team
Outbound List
exa notes
Please use the following notes on every patient records that you work with:
Example 1 --
Category or disposition was changed to “1st attempt to reach PT”
“First manual OB attempt made to contact the patient. I spoke with the PT. I was able to transfer her to scheduling using code XXXXX. “
Example 2 --
Category or disposition was changed to “1st attempt to reach PT”
“First manual OB attempt made to contact the patient. The phone rang several times but did not go to VM. No message left.
Example 3 —
Category or disposition was changed to “3rd attempt to reach PT - Recap Sent”
“Third manual OB attempt made to contact the patient. I spoke to the PT. He stated that he had already received several automated calls. He allowed me to xfer him to Scheduling. XFER used “XXXXX”.
Below are some of the templates agents can use to piece together notes about the call. Be mindful of the abbreviations below.
--- PT = Patient LVM = Left Voice Mail DOB = Date of Birth---
Shortcuts and Paste together notes and phrases
1st manual OB attempt to reach PT
2nd manual OB attempt to reach PT
3rd manual OB attempt to reach PT
I spoke to the PT.
The phone rang several times but did not go to VM. No message left.
PT decided to cancel this pre-order.
I left a VM.
I was able to transfer PT to scheduling using code 21071.
I gave them the phone number 623-972-9669 to call us back.
PT said they only spoke Spanish. Unable to transfer them to 21071. Asked them to call 623-972-9669 in the next day or so to schedule the exam
PT did not have their insurance card at home. I gave them the number 623-972-9669 and ask them to call when they have their insurance card in hand to schedule their exam.
PT could not verify the DOB. I could not verify the PT. Did not XFER.