Lesson 1.4
Novel #1: Dear Mr. Henshaw
Fundations Unit 2, Week 1 | Compare & Contrast | Exclamations & Commands (Exclamatory & Imperative Sentences)
villains - characters whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot
fad - an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived; a craze
tortillas - a thin, flat pancake of corn or flour, eaten hot or cold, typically with a savory filling
snoop - to prowl or pry; to spy
original - the first of its kind; something different and unique
receiver - the part of a phone contained in the earpiece in which signals are
converted to sound
quivering - to shake with a slight but rapid motion; to tremble
Unit 2, Week 1 (2.1)
Fundations SkILLS
via Fundations over three weeks:
Review Suffixes: -s, -es, -ed, -ing, -ive, -able, -en, -er, -est, -ish -y, -ful, -less, -ness, -ly, -ty, -ment
Forming plurals with -s and -es
Irregular Plurals
-ed: /ed, /d/, /t/ sounds
1-1-1 Spelling Rule (doubling a consonant when adding a vowel suffix)
Lowercase cursive letters: i, j, p, r, s, t, u
Sample words: strongest, tallest, shipped, shipment
Sound Alike Words: son, sun, some, sum, banned, band, guest, guessed, missed, mist
Compare and Contrast
Comparing tells how two or more things are alike or the same/similar. Contrasting tells how two or more things are different from one another.
Grammar SKILL
Exclamations & Commands (Exclamatory & Imperative Sentences)
An exclamation is a sentence that tells something with very strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark (!). It is called an EXCLAMATORY SENTENCE.
A command is a sentence that instructs or tells someone to do something and ends with a period. It is called an IMPERATIVE SENTENCE.
Search for these skills to practice within the iXL website/app (if available) by typing the green code into the iXL search box:
Grade 2 Activities (Used for remediation)
Spelling/Phonics:: G.1 Sort short and long vowel words C8M
G.2 Match the short a and long a words to pictures UWT
G.7 Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words A6U
G.8 Is the syllable open or closed? XDP
G.9 Spell words with open and closed syllables 3E6
Reading:: V.1 Compare and contrast in informational passages NQN
Grammar: SS.1 Is the sentence a statement, question, command, or exclamation? C5B
Grade 3 Activities (Used for practice & strengthening)
Spelling/Phonics:: N/A
Reading: I.2 Compare and contrast in informational texts UNG
L.2 Compare information from two informational texts DNH
O.1 Compare mythological illustrations LW5
Grammar: OO.1 Is the sentence a statement, question, command, or exclamation? NRP
Grade 4 Activities (Used for enrichment)
Spelling/Phonics:: N/A
Reading: H.2 Compare and contrast characters GYD
D.2 Compare information from two informational texts YBU
J.1 Compare mythological illustrations J5P
G.3 Compare information from two texts 8CJ
Grammar: JJ.1 Is the sentence a statement, question, command, or exclamation? YL8