We want to take a moment to thank you for allowing your children to participate in our YES After School Program. It has been a pleasure to support their growth and learning this season!

As a reminder, the program will resume on Monday, January 13, 2025.

We wish you and your families a wonderful and restful holiday season filled with joy and warmth. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing everyone in the new year! 

Each year, YES participants at LVA will explore a unique enrichment theme. This year, our theme is the YES Incredibles! The program starts August 12th! If your child is accepted in the YES Fall program you will receive a welcome through class dojo.  

Congratulations Ms. Whipple on being Lakeview Academy's Teacher of the Year🍎✏️📚

Program Resources

Would you be interested in working for YES? Apply here! 

About the YES Program 

The YES Program is funded by the Georgia Department of Education's and is an extension of  Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers.  The Program offers an opportunity to further engage students in academic, social, and physical activities beyond school hours. Proven to have a positive effect on student achievement, the Program incorporates both academic and enrichment activities. During the academic year, students participate in homework sessions, language arts, math, science, art, technology, physical activities, and more. Each  summer, the YES Program offers a high impact summer science explorations designed to encourage students to become curious learners. Through the partnership with Baldwin Board of Education Nutrition Department,  participates receive a nutritious snack/meal daily. All sessions (academic year and summer) provide a safe and caring environment, small class sizes (10:1 student-to-teacher ratio), and afterschool activities aligned with the Georgia Afterschool and Youth Development Quality Standards (ASYD). The YES Program and staff promote student accountability, responsibility, and dependability, habits consistent with success throughout life.

The goals of the YES Program at Lakeview Academy are to: 1) Improve Academic Performance, 2) Build Student Capacity, and 3) Increase Parent Engagement for 130 students each year. 

For more information please visit our website at www.gcsu.edu/afterschoolachievement

To view our sustainability plan, click here: Sustainability