Academic Enrichments 

Nature Nutritional Skills 

Students will learn agricultural science and horticulture. The basic skills will allow the students to learn how to manage a garden and how to make profits in a market economy.

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 

Students will learn forensic science techniques to uncover the mysteries of the world. Here your child will learn anything from finger printing to DNA sequencing. 


Students will learn the  basic culinary skills necessary to facilitate a future entrepreneurship in restaurant management and/or franchise ownership. 

Physical Fitness

Students will participate in physical activity such as polo, soccer, golf, football, basketball, corn throwing, etc.

Self Care 

Students will learn self-care and maintenance. They will also learn basic cosmetology and barbering skills-we encourage future entrepreneurs!


Students will learn how to enhance the beauty of any subject as they learn how to create profit in the luxurious world of art. 


Students will learn the art of ancient and historical art of pottery to open thier minds to future careers in ART and/or historical science.