Summer 2022

                                                                  June 6- June 30, 2022

Georgia On My Mind

Georgia history and culture is very unique and oftentimes our students are not aware of its contributions to all elements of society. Our focus will be to educate our students using relevant curriculum and authentic real world experiences. We will continue to use Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics as our guide. We will also incorporate social and emotional learning, social sciences, agriculture, physical fitness and the humanities to ensure our students receive a holistic learning experience.

Week 3: Let's explore deep into the wild at Georgia Southern University's Wildlife Center in Statesboro GA.

Week 2: Just look at the smiles on the kid's faces as they enjoy a trip to the Tubman Museum and Ga Sports Hall of Fame

From mixing ingredients for a fabulous peach cobbler to designing floral arrangements for father's day to opening and maintaining a class store, all the way up to making authentic fish food from lettuce; these kids are showcasing their talents. Take a glance at what our awesome kids have done this week.

Week 1: Students enjoy visiting the Uncle Remus Museum and exploring the diverse history of Putnam County






Ga Travels

Ga Sports

Arts & Craft

Science of Sound