S1 Social Studies

Modern Studies 


The Humanities Curriculum

Humanitites Curriculum

S1 Social Studies

Mods Flight Path.mp4

In S1 the Social Studies course aims to build on both the knowledge and skills learned in primary school through the study of significant historical, geographical, political and business events. Learners receive four periods of Social Studies per week.

The Social Studies BGE Curriculum

In S1 learners study an integrated Social Studies course involving elements of History, Geography, Modern Studies and Business Studies. This involves the study of a wide range of ecosystems across the world, including rainforests and deserts. They then continue on to study the early peoples who settled in Scotland. The course then continues with the study of key points in Scotland's history as well as the evolution of Scottish society and political systems, including rights and responsibilities taking us right up to the present day. Learners will also work in groups to create their own award-winning chocolate bar. They will be responsible for carrying out market research as well as designing, marketing and advertising their product.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Throughout S1, a variety of teaching methodologies will be utilised. Learners will be responsible for working individually as well as in pairs or as part of a group on a range of different tasks.

Not only will learners develop a deeper understanding of various geographical, historical, political and business concepts,  they will also begin to encounter the skills associate with the study of each individual subject.  Acquiring the understanding of these skills will give pupils a solid grounding should they continue with the study of these subjects into the Senior Phase.

Both formative and summative assessment will be used throughout each topic and learners will be asked to participate in both peer and self assessment.

S2 and S3 Modern Studies

In S2 learners study China as an alternative ideology and gain an insight into the inequalities which exist as well as human rights issues. They also study the causes and consequences of terrorism and the effectiveness of responses to terrorism. Finally learners will undertake work analysing modern threats to democracy.  

In S3 the curriculum covers Social Inequality in the UK, the role and effectiveness of pressure groups, how to solve problems such as Scotland’s Drug Deaths crisis, War and Conflict in the world and Development and Aid in Africa. Throughout the units of work learners will develop the source handling skills required for success at National 5.

Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Throughout both S2 and S3 a variety of teaching methodologies will be utilised. Learners will be responsible for working individually as well as in pairs or in their table groups on a range of different tasks.

Not only will learners develop a deeper understanding of Modern Studies concepts and content areas they will also begin to encounter the skills associated with the Senior Phase courses. In S2 and S3 learners will be asked to develop their skills of description and explanation whilst also practising their source handling skills. They will evaluate and draw conclusions using increasingly more complex sources to help draw conclusions, support and oppose points of view and use evidence to support and justify a decision. Developing these skills will give pupils a solid grounding should they continue with the study of Modern Studies into the Senior Phase. 

Both formative and summative assessment will be used throughout the course to enable learners to progress from level 3 to level 4 and beyond, and learners will be asked to participate in both peer and self assessment. 

S1 and S2 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS)

In S1 learners begin with a study of  the Big Questions of life such as what happens once we die or Is there a God? They will then do a comparative study of Hinduism and Christianity looking at religious leaders, festivals and comparing the religious traditions of what happens when we die. Finally they will study the morality by investigating environmental ethics including issues of animal rights and our role a stewards and custodians of the planet.

In S2 the study of Sikhism is central to the course. This is followed by a unit on prejudice with a focus on Islamophobia, and then the study of morality and conflict.

S3 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS) Choice

In S3 learners can opt to study RMPS as well as complete their core class in RMPS.  This course involves study Morality and Relationships and Morality and Justice. Learners will also complete the Religion, Belief and Values Award at either Level 4 or 5

S3 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS) Core

In S3 we begin working on the National 4 RMPS qualification. Learners will complete two taught units: World Religion- Buddhism and Morality, Medicine and the Human Body.  At the end of each unit there is an assessment which learners must pass in order to get the overall National 4 course award.

In S4 Core the final unit on Religious and Philosophical Questions: The Problem of Evil and Suffering is taught alongside the Added Value Unit which is a personal investigative search with an RMPS theme. The presentation of that piece of work completes the study of National 4.
