MFL S1 French

Our S1 French course is designed to consolidate pupils' learning from primary & develop their understanding and appreciation of French language and culture.

Learners are given the opportunity to develop their skills of reading, writing, listening, and talking throughout our lessons. Through mini projects, learners are also able to develop their research skills, whether paper-based or online. Learners participate in 2 periods of French per week from January to July in S1.

In S1, we use formative assessment, meaning that we use a mix of classwork, homework, vocabulary trackers, and mini-assessments to understand where the learners are in their learning journey. Learners set their own targets and decide with their teacher how best to achieve those targets.

Please scroll down to see most of the topics covered in S1. There is some space in our course so that we can personalise the course for each class, as it is important that our course is as relevant as possible for our learners.


Subjects, opinions, reasons, time, typical day at school, comparison of French & Scottish school systems


Common sports, extreme sports, to do/play, frequency, French sentence structure


What you like to do in your free time, talking about what other people do.