
What do you need to know about English in S3?

English in S3 (for current S2 pupils and parents).pptx

In line with Curriculum for Excellence, the S3 course in English sees pupils continue to develop their abilities in the experiences and outcomes that they have covered in S1 and S2. 


Pupils will, as always, be encouraged to read an increasingly varied and more sophisticated range of literature and quality journalism. In S3, classes continue to visit the school library every four weeks and will be given the opportunity to read for ten minutes at the start of each lesson.

Although the skills which pupils need for the Senior Phase of their secondary education have been taught since S1, there is an increased emphasis on tasks which closely resemble those they will face in S4. S3 also involves an increase in pace and challenge to reflect the conditions which pupils are asked to produce work in when they enter the Senior Phase. To make sure there is a maximum amount of time to spend on this, the reading programme which pupils underwent in S1 and S2 is no longer mandatory and is done at the teacher’s discretion. This means that if they feel the class time would be more beneficially used, they are free to do so.

The presentation included below should help to outline aspects of the S3 course in more detail.

Resources to help your child with their learning in S3 English

Book trust provides more suggestions about reading relating to age, stage and subject. Click the picture above to visit this site.

BBC Bitesize BGE Fourth Level pages provide very useful revision/learning material for working on at home. Click the picture above to visit.

Some interesting strategies to help with revision can be found on the Parent Hub site. Click on the picture above to visit the site.

Learning and Assessments in S3 English

Once again, pupils will be assessed across four key areas of the course:






Pupils will continue to refine their skills in each of these key areas using a range of different texts as a stimulus. Much of the S3 course is devoted to developing literacy skills through a colourful range of activities and texts.