Meet Madame Arthur

Madame Victoria Arthur

6th, 7th, and 8th Grade French

Room 406 (8th grade hallway)

Teaching at Amesbury Middle School since 2019

Bonjour ! Salut ! Coucou ! Je m'appelle Madame Arthur, et cette année c'est ma deuxième année à Amesbury Middle School. Je suis très contente d'être ici :) On va beaucoup apprendre cette année !




Passer du temps avec mon chien, Tommy !

Spending time with my dog, Tommy!

Voyager (mais c'est difficile maintenant!)

Traveling (but it's a bit tricky to do right now!)

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart."

Nelson Mandela

I grew up in Reading, Massachusetts. I went to Roanoke College in Virginia for my undergraduate degree, where I studied French and Sociology. While I was at school, I was able to spend an entire year living in Paris, France. I loved it so much that after graduating, I got a job and moved to Paris for another year and a half !

This is my second year at Amesbury Middle School. I'm currently pursuing my Masters of Education with a concentration in Middle School Education/French at Gordon College.