Tuesday, May 12

Reading/Word Work Time

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday Everyone,

It was great to see so many of you yesterday. I wish we could see each other more and hopefully we will this week on Google Meet. I know you are all ready to get done with school so let's get on with the learning.

Mountain Language #6-10

You should have one of these papers in your packet and you should have done #1-5 yesterday. You can use the one from last week if you still have it. The Mountain Language Poster is in the top corner of the screen!


Today we are doing Lexia. We have been asked by the Principal to really encourage you to get to the 3rd grad level which is level 13. You need to do 20-30 Lexia minutes and 20-30 minutes reading a book. On Lexia don't forget to try and get at least 6 units in that 30 minutes. If you are above level 13, just do your best to get as many units as you can. I know they are harder levels. If you are on levels 10, 11, or 12, keep working hard. Remember we still have the goal for everyone in our class to pass off levels 1-12. I know you can do it, I believe in you!!! Right now we have 7 students working toward that goal. 1 of them are almost to level 13. Keep going! You Can Do It!!!! Click on the link below and get started. Work hard for the next 30 minutes and don't forget to do some reading as well today.


Story Packet

Today in your story packet you will skip this page because it is from the wrong story. I'm not sure what happened here but we will do the story packet tomorrow.

For now I'm going to have you read this instead. Maybe you can get your family to help you put on the play. Its a cute story and another example of a fractured fairy tale. Find this in your packet and read on!

Okay, that is all that you are going to do today. Now see if your parents will let you take a 15 minute break before we get into math.

Math Block


Well good news students, your parents should be bringing home your Number of the day and your word problem book. Today you should be doing #166. Only 12 more days of school!!! You can start where you left off and fill in your number of the day for the days you are behind or just pick a blank page and start with #166. Show your parents how you do it.

For your word problem book you can just find the next Tuesday after the Monday you did yesterday and keep going from there.

Today we are going to focus on one of the review pages to help you get ready to take the End of the Year Test. It is triple digit subtraction and the back is triple digit addition. Don't forget to move your limos to the places they belong. Remember in subtraction, if you have more on the floor, you go next door. More on the top, no need to stop. Numbers the same, zeros the name. Have your parents correct it and then go over the ones you have gotten wrong.

When you are done remember today is Tuesday and your specialty is PE. You can go to the link below to see what your PE Teacher has planned for you. You are on PE Week 8.


Don't forget to come back and work on your writing today.

Writing Block

Animal Reports

You are almost done with your research for your animal report. Tomorrow I will talk about what you need to do with your research but lets finish filling out the packet. This page asks if you want this animal and why or why not? I don't want to hear because it is cool. Give me reasons why or why not. What would you do if you had this animal? What is it about this animal you like, or what is it you don't like. Complete sentences. Let us know how you are thinking and feeling about the animal. Also, tell us if you liked learning about this animal, what was it that made it interesting....or if you didn't like learning about this animal, what was it you didn't like. When you are done with this packet, write down anything else you want us to know about your animal. We want to know everything and you are the expert who is going to teach us. Tomorrow I will let you know what you need to do to finish off your animal report. Good luck and have a great day!!!!