Monday, May 11

Reading/Word Work Time

Happy Monday Morning Everyone,

I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Only 8 more days of school after today. I'm going to try and keep this weeks work short and sweet so you can have some fun. Let's get to it.

Mountain Language #1-5

You should have one of these papers that you can use from previous weeks. If not you can answer numbers 1-5 on a paper and transfer it to the Mountain Language paper when you get the new packet. The Mountain Language Poster is in the top corner of the screen!


This is the last spelling test of the year. You are on list #3. There will be 33 words but don't worry, you can do it. You've been doing great the past couple of weeks. Now its time to finish strong. These are words that you have already had as spelling words and that you should know by the end of second grade. Today I want you to have your parents ask you to spell each word. If you can spell it easily then your parents can mark that off as one that you don't need to study. Then just focus on the words that were a little more challenging. On Friday you will want your parents to go over each word with you before you take the test just so you can have a reminder of how to spell each word.

Story Packet

Let's look at the story you need to read today. It is called "The Tiger and the Big Wind" and it is an Folktale from Africa. Read this story or if it is too hard, have your parents read it to you. Make sure you pay attention because you will be answering questions. If you don't know the answer, you can always go back and read that part of the story again to make sure you get the right answer. Remember that a folktale is an old story that's been told again and again, often for generations. ... Folktales are stories in the oral tradition, or tales that people tell each other out loud, rather than stories in written form. They're closely related to many storytelling traditions, including fables, myths, and fairy tales. Once you have read the story, answer all the questions on the following page.

Okay, I hope that helped you understand what a folktale is. Now its time to read the story. If you need help, ask your parents. Remember that you will be answering questions so pay attention to what you read. You should have this story in you packet.

This folktale is trying to show you that you should not be greedy and you should share with everyone.

Okay, now we will do the questions. Remember if you are unsure, go back and read that part of the story. The questions usually come in the same order as the story so if you got one answer right, the next answer to the next question should come after the first one you answered. Have your parents help you.

Math Block




Okay, today's Number of the Day would be #165. Only 13 more days of school left after today!!! Do #165 in your Number of the Day Book. Show your parents how you do it.

Use your word problem book and do the Monday problem of the next week that you were working on. Keep going with this new week.

We were going to have you do some pages in Chapters 8 and 9 on Measurement but realized that some of you will not have a ruler that has both inches and centimeters. We are going to take the Chapter 10 Final Math Test today and have you get ready to take the End of Year Final Test on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Some things I want to go over with you on Graphing. Please remember that a lot of graphs will have a Title at the top telling you what the graph is showing or is mostly about. It will have labels on the sides and the bottom of the graph. Sometimes those labels will include numbers. The numbers usually tell you the amount of something. For example you did a problem about rainfall on Wednesday. Let's take a quick look at it.

They wanted you to tell how much rain fell in Maria's town in for months. The title could be something like Rainfall in Maria's Town or just Rainfall. That would go on the top line. Along the side they have done it for you but those numbers represent the amount of rainfall in inches so that is the label. On the bottom those are the month's they are looking at so you could simply put Month's of Rainfall or Month's as the label.

Okay, I wish you luck on the Chapter 10 Test. I know you will do amazing. It is in the packet for this week and it looks like this. When you are done have your parents correct it and send me the score.

Writing Block

Animal Reports

Welcome back. Today we are working on interesting facts about our animal. Describe what your animal looks like? How does your animal move? What makes them different than any other animal? Tell as many cool facts as you can to help make your report interesting. Remember you are becoming the expert on your animal and you are teaching us. We want to know what you learned.