Mobile Phones  September 2024

Following national government guidance, we are introducing a new mobile phone policy.  Whilst we recognise the importance of technology in our lives, we want a school day which is focused on learning and free from distractions. Click here to view our policy.  

From September, all students will be required to store their phones in a Yondr pouch throughout the school day. Yondr pouches are secure, lockable cases that prevent students from accessing their phones but allow them to carry them safely throughout the day. This will not affect their phone use on the way to and from school. 

Click here to watch a short video which demonstrates how these pouches work. 

We understand that these changes will take some time for our students to get used to but we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition. We will be providing Yondr pouches free of change to all students in the main school at the beginning of term. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why are we banning mobile phones during the school day? 

Whilst we recognise the importance of technology in our lives, we want a school day which is focused on learning and free from distractions. Click here to view our policy.  

National government guidance also recommends that schools are phone free zones. The benefits of removing distractions and enabling students to be fully present and engaged in the classroom have been evidenced through a wide range of sources. 

By removing mobile phones from the school day, we can also create safer spaces where students are protected from the risks and dangers associated with social media and cyber-bullying. There is some useful guidance about online safety from NSPCC here and the National Office of Statistics here.  

Can my child take a phone to school with them? 

Yes, we recognise that parents and carers want their child to be able to have their phones with them while they travel to and from school. This system will allow students full access to their phones before and after school. 

What happens to the phone during the school day? 

Students will have their phones on them in school (turned off or on silent), sealed in a Yondr pouch. This means they will not be able to access it until the pouches are opened at the end of the school day.

Click here for a 30 second video which demonstrates how these work. 

Why have we chosen Yondr pouches?

We have carried out extensive research about the best way to introduce a ban on mobile phones during the school day. We have visited other schools who use Yondr pouches and they have been highly recommended. 

We have also worked closely with our students to choose a model that they feel would work best. Students voted overwhelmingly for the Yondr model. 

What if my child needs their phone to support them with their medical condition? 

We have specialist medical pouches which we will give to our students who need these. We will talk to parents and carers about how this works. If you feel your child needs one of these, please get in touch with their House Manager but medical evidence will be required and each case will be considered on a case by case basis. 

Why do we need these pouches? Why can’t students just keep them in their bags? 

Phones are highly addictive and therefore it is always tempting to access phones if the opportunity is there. We have carried out a variety of research which has also included visits to other schools who already use the Yondr pouches. These are working extremely effectively across the country. 

What happens if my child forgets to take their pouch to school? 

Students will be able to borrow a pouch but will also serve a sanction if they persistently forget them. 

What happens if my child loses or damages their Yondr case? 

There will be a charge of £20 per replacement case (this can be paid in instalments if needed).

What happens if my child is caught using their phone during the school day? 

Any student seen with a mobile phone out in any area of the academy during the day or extension of the day, will have the phone confiscated. The student’s name will be written on an envelope, the phone will then be placed in the envelope, the envelope will be sealed and then stored safely within the academy’s reception office. A parent/carer is required to collect the phone from the academy reception. 

What if I need to contact my child urgently? 

Parents can still contact their child’s House manager or the Reception team between 8am and 4:30pm each school day.

How will my child check their timetable? 

Chromebooks can still be used for this. 

Will there be enough unlocking stations? 

Yes, these will be on every exit from school. If your child is on a sports fixture, the member of staff will take a mobile unlocking station with them. 

If your child needs to leave school early, they will be able to unlock their pouch as they leave via Reception. 

What if my child forgets to unlock their phone before going home? 

They will need to unlock it the next day at school or return to reception by 4:30pm to have this unlocked. 

If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact us via or by calling Reception on 01983 567331.