Exams Schedule

2024 - Summer Examinations: Year 11 & Year 13

Our Summer 2024 public examinations have now completed. 

If you have any questions regarding examinations, please contact the examinations team:

JCQ - Information for Students

On your exam day


Non-examination assessments


Written Examinations


Information & Exam Support for Students

How to make sure you are not ‘over-doing it’ 

It is easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed when completing revision so here are a few ‘top tips’ to help you revise and look after yourself:

One | Set realistic and achievable goals | don’t overload yourself and set yourself up for failure. Plan your task across one day, do not cram it into one hour.

Two | ‘Small chunks’ of revision | revise one topic for 25 minutes, then take a short 10 minute break and move away from your revision area, then revise a new topic for another 30 minutes. Then repeat. Planning short breaks can drastically improve your level of concentration.

Three | Alternate topics | plan a range of topics to revise - they shouldn’t all be from the same subject e.g. revise ‘An Inspector Calls’ for first 25 minutes before moving on to Science for 25 minutes, and then change to History. Remember your break in between each topic though!

Four | Use a timer | ensure that you are sticking to the 25 minutes.

Five | Stay hydrated | have a glass of water near you at all times (try to avoid the fizzy drinks during revision).

Six | Eat well | A 2020 study revealed that maintaining a well-balanced diet improves your energy levels, your mood, lowers stress levels and increases your cognitive performance.  Avoid overloading on sugar at carbs!

Seven | Sleep | try to aim for 7 - 9 hours of sleep every night, this may mean stepping away from the games console.  Anything less than 7 hours can impair your focus, motivation and wellbeing.

Eight | Build in exercise | whether you play sports, or simply a brisk walk around the local park (or your garden!), physical activity can boost your mood and improve your focus so build in a longer exercise break into your day.

Nine | Reach out to others | all of your friends will be feeling the same as you, so regularly reach out to them - check in on them but also, you can share ideas and study tips.

Ten | Enjoy your break | yes, revision is important but you should not spend all day, every day sitting indoors staring at a screen or a book. Make plans, see friends, leave the house. Create a revision plan that allows you to have fun and be successful with your revision.

Other useful links:

How can Parents/Carers help?

During the week /. build up to the exam, please help your child: