College Opportunities

What is it like there?

College environment is more laid back then 6th form and school. You are allowed to wear your own clothes and you are responsible for your time keeping. Some tutors will also let you call them by their first names, no more Sir or Miss!

You will still have a structured timetable to follow and the college will expect you to attend all classes, and if you have any free periods you will not be expected to stay on site.

Word of warning - you will be given a lot more independence and will be responsible for yourself and your learning. If you are not the type of person that is good at getting into class of on your own, being more organised and dedicated to your learning this option may be right for you.

How can I find out more?

If you are still unsure about whether attending college is right for you, here’s some things you can start doing now:

  • Start attending college open days/evening - make sure you visit a few institutions; this will help you to confirm that you’ve made the right choice.

  • Talk to current students that already attend college.

  • Talk to the lecturers - especially the ones that will be teaching you on your course.

  • Check you meet the entry requirements.

  • Make sure the college offers the course you want.

  • Start talking to people you trust, who can offer advice - parents, teachers or careers adviser.

Please watch the following video advice from UCAS on preparing for Post 16.

External Sixth Form College Provisions

The below college provisions are in close proximity to the academy. Please click the link to find out more information about the location and courses they offer.

Please note this list is not exhaustive and do try to find out about other colleges that may provide the course that you wish to pursue.