Our approach towards attendance
At Kingsley Academy we understand that excellent attendance is important to achieve outstanding learning opportunities but also is integral in ensuring that students are kept safe. Maximising our attendance and punctuality rates is therefore one of our key priorities. We actively pursue the goal of 100% attendance and punctuality. Individual absences and lateness are carefully investigated and unjustified absences/lates are not tolerated.
Parents and carers are respectfully reminded that it is their legal obligation to ensure your child’s attendance at school is regular.
The government document, School attendance parental responsibility measures, outlines the legal responsibilities of parents and schools, and what the consequences are if a student’s attendance is not regular. By law, if parents fail to ensure their child attends, they “may be guilty of an offence and can be prosecuted by the local authority.” A fine is also liable to be imposed upon the parents by the Local Authority. Poor punctuality can also result in the school referring your child to the Local Authority.
We expect that all parents/guardians/carers who have responsibility for the students will:
Encourage 100% school attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities.
Ensure that the child/children in their care arrive at school punctually, no later than 8.20am, ready and prepared for the day ahead.
Phone or email the school before 8.30am if your child is too ill to come in.
Provide medical evidence for absence when a child is absent from school for 3 or more consecutive days and provide the school with confirmation of reasons for absence upon their child’s return to school.
Avoid making appointments for their child e.g. medical/dental during the school day.
Ensure that no holidays are booked during term time (these will not be authorised with very, very few exceptions) and could result in your child losing their place at the school and a fine from the local authority.
Contact the school immediately if you are concerned that your child’s attendance might drop so we can put support in place to help you.
Support the school when disciplinary sanctions are needed in relation to attendance and punctuality
Attend school meetings as requested relating to attendance or punctuality concerns.
If your child’s attendance drops below 97% they will be placed on the first stage of our attendance reporting system and in most cases you will be called in to meet with us.
Excellent attendance will be celebrated with certificates and rewards at the end of every term.
Reporting your child's absence
If a student in Years 7 to 11 is absent for any reason, the parent should phone the school to report this before 8.30am on the day of absence.
The following information will be required: Student’s name / tutor group / reason for absence / when they are expected to return to school.
Student Absence Line: 020 8572 4461
Authorised absence is where the school has given approval for a student to be away, or has accepted an explanation offered afterwards as a satisfactory justification for absence.
All other absences will be treated as unauthorised, including holidays taken during term time.
Key contacts:
Ms Randhawa (Attendance & Punctuality Manager) : Email: click here
Ms Iqbal (Attendance Officer) : Email: click here
Ms Halpenny (Vice Principal) : Email: click here