Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

In April 2011 the government introduced Pupil Premium.  This is funding allocated to schools which is additional to main school funding.  Fundamentally, this additional funding was designed to narrow the attainment gap between students from disadvantaged families and their peers, where this exists.  If your child is eligible for free school meals (or has been in the last six years) then they are eligible for pupil premium funding (which is why we ask that you register for free school meals even if you do not want to take them). This year the funding amounts to £1300 per primary school child (or £1900 per child for those who are 'looked after').

Schools can choose how to target these additional funds in order to meet the needs of students at risk of under-achieving based on their circumstances.

"It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium allocated to schools per Free School Meal pupil is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility" DFE website

All schools are required to publish online information about how they have used the Premium and its impact on the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium.


The range of provision that may be considered include:

Our School’s Aims

KB CPA PP Statement - Strategy 24 - 25 and Impact (23-24)
KB CPA PP Statement - Strategy 23-24 and Impact (22-23)
KB CPA Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium Statement #1 - Strategy (2022-23) and Impact (2021-22)
KB CPA Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2020-21
KB CPA Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2020-21
KB CPA Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2019-20
KB CPA Pupil Premium Intention to Spend and Evaluation Report 2019-20
KB CPA Pupil-premium-evaluation 2018-19

Pupil Premium Evaluation 2017-18 and Strategy 2018-19

KB CPA Pupil-premium-evaluation 2017-18 and strategy 2018-19

KB-CPA-2017-18 Strategy for deployment of PP funds

2017-18 Strategy for Deployment of Pupil Premium Funds

2016-17 Pupil Premium Impact Evaluation

2016-17 Pupil Premium Impact Evaluation