You Said, 

We Did

We are always grateful for your feedback as we are always looking for ways to improve; we want you to feel listened to, after all, this is your child's school. Here are just some of the things we have changed because you asked us to. 

You said...

you didn't have access to devices or internet over the school closure period.

We did… 

We worked closely with our trust to loan almost 100 chromebooks and mifi devices to those who needed them. Now our Y5s and 6s can take their device home every day and every child from Y1 to Y6 has a device that they can use in school. 

You said…

It was difficult for some of you to understand our correspondence due to language barriers

We did...

We made our website fully translatable. Please use the ‘Please click here to translate our website’ at the bottom of the page to translate into any language. You can now access all of our letters from here. 

We provide an ipad translation service in our reception area. 

Translators can be booked for longer meetings. Please request one at the office.   

You said…

You wanted more school trips.

We did…

We now lease two minibuses to make trips more affordable for you. We aim to run at least one enrichment activity per half term for every class (either a visit out or a visitor in).

You said…

You wanted more community events like the colour run where the whole community can be involved

We did…

We now aim to run at least one whole school / community event every half term. Recent events have included: 

Scarecrow festival / pumpkin patch

Winter fair

And there are many more exciting ideas in the pipeline! Please speak to the PCAB representatives if you have any more suggestions. 

You said…

You were concerned about families who may be struggling with food.

We did…

All the staff contributed to food parcels that were sent out over Christmas to families who might benefit. 

We work closely with our cluster of schools to provide food hampers to those who need it.

We provide food bank vouchers for those of you who need support - please speak to Paula Sissons if you need to apply for a voucher.  

You said…

You were worried about dogs on site at the end of the day.

We did…

We ensure that the site is monitored carefully and anyone bringing a dog is asked to leave. 

Letters are sent as needed as reminders. 

You wanted more courses for parents and would like us to consider running a creche.

We did…

We had a new community room built on the front of our school to allow us to run a range of courses for you. We try to allow young children to attend with you wherever possible and where not we look at working with our partners to try and provide a creche facility. Unfortunately, this is still not always possible. We continue to look for ways to resolve this issue for you. 

You said…

You were worried about your child with SEND and would like some more support.

We did…

We organised for SENDIAS to come in and hold a drop in information session. This was well attended and feedback was very positive. We have brokered support from a specialist consultancy who will work with the school and offer training for parents.

You said…

You would like a place to give further, more regular feedback (rather than waiting for questionnaires) and suggestions.

We did…

We created an online feedback form so you can send us your ideas at any time. 

You said…

Some of you would like more homework for your children. 

We did…

We subscribed to a number of online, self-marking apps so that your child can choose to access additional learning at home if they/you would like to.

We offer discounted workbooks for Y6 to help them prepare for SATs.

Teachers will work with specific families who request extra support to come up with an appropriate plan.