Our Curriculum Writing & Communication

Writing & Communication Statement of Intent

The English curriculum at Cottingley is well-sequenced and builds depth of knowledge and understanding over time to allow pupils to master the knowledge necessary to become fluent and confident speakers, readers and writers. 

Children will study a broad range of high-quality texts and are provided with regular opportunities to engage with a challenging, wide-ranging selection of texts; write and edit for a range of purposes and audiences and practise oracy so that they may learn to talk and learn through talk. 

We are developing a whole-school culture of reading and writing for pleasure through a  language-rich learning environment; a safe classroom environment where exploration and risk-taking is encouraged and opportunities for English enrichment, through extra-curricular clubs, events, trips and competitions so that children see the purpose of English in the wider world, including its use in a wide range of possible careers

Writing & Communication Sequence of Learning

Curriculum Map 

Progression Map 

Knowledge and Vocabulary

Our Writing & Communication Curriculum

Children at Cottingley Primary Academy benefit from the use of AET or Ark+ curriculum materials to help them develop their writing skills. We link all of our writing work to our reading teaching through sharing good quality texts with the children and basing our learning around these. Oracy is a crucial part of the children’s learning. Oracy skills are taught discretely through Votes4Schools sessions and using Voice 21 techniques and built upon across the curriculum. Grammar teaching is delivered through the daily English lesson to help the children to apply the skills to their learning. 

The AET and Ark+ materials are brand new and ensure clear progression of skills for our children. For more information about this exciting new project please speak to Miss Patel or Mrs Mills who will be happy to help. 

For more information and information on handwriting, phonics, spelling and reading, please see the Writing and Communication handbook. 

Subject Handbook

Subject Rationale