Module 1: Digital Literacy Overview

This module assumes you know and can do the following: (click to open drop-down)

  • You and/or your district provides students the opportunity to utilize, communicate, collaborate, and share learning using technological tools.

  • You and/your district have conversations around safety, communication, and collaborative online practices with staff and students.

Click here to receive additional resources related to this module to put in your educator toolbox.


Demonstrate skill in the evaluation, selection, and use of effective instructional materials, tools, strategies, and resources for students, and engage students in this process to help their achievement and development of academic skill.

Connect learners to sources of information beyond the classroom teacher and textbook.

Tailor content and instructional strategies to individual learning goals, needs, and interests. (Aurora Institute)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the components of digital literacy.

  2. Determine quality resources to support understanding and implementation of digital literacy

  3. Understand that we are all teachers of digital literacy.

  4. Integrate digital literacy skills into your educational setting.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Learn all the components of digital literacy.

  2. Use resources to plan for future lesson integration.

  3. Modify a lesson within an existing unit OR plan a new lesson, selecting skills from the ISTE Student Standards.


Start with the pre-assessment (below) to determine your path.

Module 1 Pre Assessment


Think About


Digital Age Learners

The American Library Association's digital-literacy task force defines digital literacy as “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills."

Foundational educational practices should provide opportunities to communicate, empower, collaborate, compute, construct and design in order to be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape.

Now more than ever, students have the ability to be change agents on a global level. We must help students understand the complexity of this power.


Review the ISTE Student Standards infographic from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Think about your knowledge and integration of these standards.

Reflect, using this self-assessment, to set goals and assess learning.


Dig deeper into the ISTE Student Standards and watch the brief videos that provide an overview of what the standards look like in action.

Figure Out


Read the article, The Changing Face of Literacy- What is Digital Literacy from Education Week. Think about the many facets of digital literacy and your level of understanding. Consider your contribution to digital literacy skills and how to design curriculums that empower student voice.

Make a copy of the Digital Standards Reflection Tool.

Write on the digital standards tool or post-it notes. Answer the prompts,

I never realized…….

Now what?...... connecting thoughts to the ISTE Student Standards.

Share your thoughts with others in your educational setting to gather additional perspectives.




Modify an existing unit or professional learning opportunity and incorporate digital literacy standards. Use the Digital Standards reflection document for planning. If available, plan and/or collaborate with your teacher librarian or a technology coach.

Refer to the Teaching Tolerance site for digital literacy ideas separated into grade bans.

Having difficulty with engagement or behaviors involved with remote learning? Consider focusing upon the domain of digital citizenship using resources below.

Think About


Share your lesson with another educator before teaching it. Gather feedback around the following questions.

  • Is there a need for additional scaffolds and modeling?

  • Do ALL students/staff have the ability to demonstrate learning?

Teach the lesson with students or staff.



After teaching the lesson or professional development, evaluate understanding of the student/staff.

Reflect upon the next steps to scaffold, enrich, and plans for future integration.


Figure Out


Reflect upon your comfort and understanding of digital literacy using this self-assessment.

To build capacity, subscribe to Common Sense Media and ISTE’s youtube channel for tips and tricks. Reach out to a teacher librarian or technology integrationist to collaborate.



Checkpoints include self-assessments, quick checks, peer feedback opportunities, etc. This is a way for you to determine if you are ready to move to the next module and/or if you would like to go deeper or return to previous modules for additional learning or practice.

Self Assessment

  • An existing lesson has been modified and includes digital literacy skills.

  • Collaborative discussions have taken place to discuss implementation of ISTE Student Standards.

  • Planning to integrate digital literacy practices into future lessons/units planning has begun.



  • Post your learning on social media and/or follow #futureready, #futurereadyiowa, #futurereadylibs, #edchat on Twitter.

  • If this is your final module, complete this self-assessment based on the learning you've engaged in throughout the playlist; compare your responses to your (pre)self-assessment from the "Start Here" section of this playlist (your responses were sent to your email).

Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.