Module 4: Connectedness and Engagement

Click here to receive additional resources related to this module to put in your educator toolbox.


Social Awareness connotes perspective-taking; empathy; respecting diversity; understanding social and ethical norms of behavior; and recognizing family, school, and community support.

Relationship Skills connote building relationships with diverse individuals and groups, communicating clearly, working cooperatively, resolving conflicts, and seeking help. (Iowa’s SEL Competencies)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Promote relationships by planning for Adult-Student and Student-Student connections before, during, and after instruction.

  2. Identify activities to increase active responding during virtual instruction.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Determine ways to build strong relationships through welcoming activities, engagement strategies, and optimistic closure.


Use the Module Slide Deck in the Module Resources below to begin your learning pathway.

The learning tasks below are in a similar order to the order of the Module Slide Deck, and slide numbers are often referenced for your convenience.

The intent of this module is to provide participants with a foundational understanding of Connectedness and Engagement. No prerequisite knowledge is needed to engage in this learning.



How do relationships and classroom culture impact learning and social-emotional-behavioral success?

Learn About


Why are relationships so critical? Watch this video and reflect on the following questions:

  • Why are relationships important to student engagement?

  • How are they important to social-emotional well being?

  • How are they important for academic success?


Learn About


Watch this video to learn about how to build a belonging classroom. After watching the video, reflect on the following questions:

  • What do you see that you can implement?

  • What do you do successfully that you can share with colleagues?

  • How do we successfully transition these routines online?


What might the SEL 3 Signature Practices (Welcoming Activity, Engagement Strategies, and Optimistic Closure) look like in different learning contexts related to Return to Learn?




  1. Review the Welcoming Inclusion Activities, Engaging Strategies and Optimistic Closures on pg. 58 and 62 of the 3-Signature Practices Playbook.

  2. Choose 1 practice from each area that you want to build into your schedule.

  3. Use “Getting it Down PATT!” to plan your activities.


How can you add 3 new connectedness and engagement activities to your class’ day to help build strong relationships?


3 Signature Practices Getting it Down PATT


Checkpoints include self-assessments, quick checks, peer feedback opportunities, etc. This is a way for you to determine if you are ready to move to the next module and/or if you would like to go deeper or return to previous modules for additional learning or practice.


Revisit the learning outcomes for this module:

    • Promote relationships by planning for Adult-Student and Student-Student connections before, during, and after instruction.

    • Identify activities to increase active responding during virtual instruction.


Would you feel comfortable discussing each of these with a colleague or might you need to revisit a section of learning in this module?


Use the Celebration of Learning to: synthesize key ideas gained, network with others inside and outside of your district, crowdsource knowledge and/or design ideas, and extend your learning beyond this module.

Option #1: With a colleague, share one idea that you have for a welcoming activity you can do with your students this year.

Option #2: Tweet about an engagement strategy you like that helps build strong relationships.

Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.