Module 2: Strengthening Online Teaching & Learning- Create Action Plan

This module assumes you know and can do the following: (click to open drop-down)

Continually take note of what is or is not working (via student-level data, technology applications, pedagogical strategies, supervisor feedback, etc) and then take action to iteratively improve. (Aurora Institute)


Continually take note of what is or is not working (via student-level data, technology applications, pedagogical strategies, supervisor feedback, etc) and then take action to iteratively improve. (Aurora Institute)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify role of teacher.

  2. Process how to incorporate 3 types of interaction.

  3. Figure out what is in your toolbox.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Watch a conversation with Michele Eaton about strengthening our teaching practice.

  2. Reflect on some internal questions about your practice.

  3. Engage in dialogue with other educators about the issues you are facing.

  4. Accept and complete the challenge!


Start with picking at least one of these questions to keep in mind while you process the work.

  • How will you ensure ALL students are engaging in the practice?

  • How will you know if students are or are not engaging in the practice?

  • How will you ensure student interest and identity are being incorporated into the lesson?

  • In what ways will you demonstrate in the lesson an affirming attitude for all students?

  • In what ways will you understand you own cultural identities and its implications for your practice?

  • How will you develop constructive ways of centering my students’ lived experiences and sustaining their community practices?

  • How will you demonstrate appreciation of multiple and diverse perspectives throughout the lesson?

  • How will you demonstrate your commitment to getting to know your students authentically?


Think About


  • What are the elements in your online/hybrid teaching you wish to improve?

  • What are some of the biggest elements you wish to improve in the actual learning online?

  • What lens of eqiuty are you considering?



Featuring Michele Eaton

Questions to Consider

  • How can we get started with blended learning in this new world of teaching and learning environments?

  • What is your most important role as an educator when you are "live" with your students?

  • When designing your lessons are you including the following three types of interaction:

    • Student to Student

    • Student to Teacher

    • Student to Content

  • How does proximity to learning impact academic honesty?

  • Where do we start in the lesson plans?

  • Why can online learning have the potential to be incredibly powerful and personalized?

  • Why is it important to simpify and use only a few tools?


If you listen to the podcast version, then you can try the Walk and Talk method of learning!

For this task & for these new environments of teaching and learning we have the opportunity to avoid the typical "sit and get" approach to learning.

For this learning I am asking you to get up, grab some headphones and walk while you listen and reflect. The podcast is 40 minutes so you can break up into two sessions or knock it out in one session.

If you are in a school you could ask permission to walk the halls during your prep or before/after school.

This idea was adapted from this post

Capture ideas by voice typing into your app of choice, but I would recomend adding to a Google Doc or Google Keep


  • Here is a template if you are in the course please use the version in Google Classroom) to capture your ideas.

    • Feel free to capture ideas in a mode that best serves you. This is just one way to organize thoughts and perhaps a tool you can use with staff and students.



  • Share your answers to the questions above in the watching of the video.

  • Share your examples, reflections, questions, and resources for this topic in the Google Group. This discussion is labeled Rethinking Assessment topic.

  • If you share any resources I will add to the section below.

  • Share your answers to the questions above in the watching of the video.

  • Share your examples, reflections, questions, and resources for this topic in the topic. This discussion is labeled Strength

  • If you share any resources I will add to the section below.


You have two ways to share your reflection of your learning.

Option 1: Use Flipgrid

Option 2: Google Discussion

Pick one method and share your new learning, thoughts, questions, etc.

Questions to Consider

  • How can we get started with blended learning in this new world of teaching and learning environments?

  • What is your most important role as an educator when you are "live" with your students?

  • When designing your lessons are you including the following three types of interaction:

    • Student to Student

    • Student to Teacher

    • Student to Content

  • How does proximity to learning impact academic honesty?

  • Where do we start in the lesson plans?

  • Why can online learning have the potential to be incredibly powerful and personalized?

  • Why is it important to simpify and use only a few tools?


Walk & Talk - Episode 132
Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.