Module 2: Well-Being and Self-Care

Click here to receive additional resources related to this module to put in your educator toolbox.


Self-Awareness is the ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior.

Self-Management includes regulating one’s emotions, stress management, self-control, self-motivation, and setting and achieving goals.

Responsible Decision-Making refers to considering the well-being of self and others; recognizing one’s responsibility to behave ethically; basing decisions on safety, social, and ethical considerations; evaluating realistic consequences of various actions; and making constructive, safe choices for self, relationships, and school. (Iowa’s SEL Competencies)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Examine impact of social isolation/stress/health/safety needs, interruption of basic needs.

  2. Identify self-care activities to support well-being for self .

  3. Recognize when additional support is needed.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Identify self-care needs and determine ways to adjust one’s self-care routine.


Use the Module Slide Deck in the Module Resources below to begin your learning pathway.

The learning tasks below are in a similar order to the order of the Module Slide Deck, and slide numbers are often referenced for your convenience.

The intent of this module is to provide participants with a foundational understanding of Educator Well-Being and Self-Care. No prerequisite knowledge is needed to engage in this learning.


Learn About


What is self-care? Read the short article What is Self-Care? (CCEI).



Read the Taking Care of Yourself article. Think about the following areas of self-care:

        • Physical Self-Care

        • Spiritual Self-Care

        • Psychological Self-Care

        • Social Self-Care

        • Emotional Self-Care

        • Professional Self-Care



  • Watch the video linked on Slide 12.

  • In what ways do you see similarities to yourself in this video about self-care?

Talk About


Now that you’ve identified needs and potential self-care strategies to address those needs, what are one or two things you’ll do tomorrow and beyond to address those needs?




Activity 1: Eight Steps to Decrease Distress and Increase Well-Being: Reality Acceptance

It is easy to get caught up in the ‘should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’s’ or engaged in an endless cycle of contingencies for the future. Focusing on the here, now and what we can control will help decrease the sense of being overwhelmed and stressed.

  1. Review the Eight Steps resource on decreasing distress and increasing well-being.

  2. During the next few weeks take a few minutes each day to work through the steps. Recognize the events that are weighing you down and outline a plan for how you can cope with them.



Activity 2: Care for the Caregiver: Guidelines for Administrators and Crisis Teams

Looking for a resource to support your leadership team/s in better understanding the self-care needs of your educators?

  1. Review the Care for the Caregiver resource from the National Association of School Psychologists.

  2. Plan time with your leadership team to unpack how these uncertain times have impacted your staff.



How will your team support educator self-care now and moving into the school year?


Eight Steps to Decrease Distress and Increase Well-Being through Reality Accceptance


Checkpoints include self-assessments, quick checks, peer feedback opportunities, etc. This is a way for you to determine if you are ready to move to the next module and/or if you would like to go deeper or return to previous modules for additional learning or practice.


Revisit the learning outcomes for this module:

      • Examine impact of social isolation/stress/health/safety needs, interruption of basic needs

      • Identify self-care activities to support well-being for self

      • Recognize when additional support is needed

Would you feel comfortable discussing each of these with a colleague or might you need to revisit a section of learning in this module?


Option #1: Use the Celebration of Learning to: synthesize key ideas gained, network with others inside and outside of your district, crowdsource knowledge and/or design ideas, and extend your learning beyond this module.

Option #2: With a colleague from another building in your district, share something that resonated with you from this module. Some prompts you may use are:

  • I re-learned….

  • I was surprised that…

  • I plan to practice the 10 tips of self-care by…..

Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.