Module 1: Engagement: Sustaining Effort and Persistence

This module assumes you know and can do the following: (click to open drop-down)

I can describe the difference between engagement, representation, and expression


Tailor content and instructional strategies to individual learning goals, needs, and interests.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Articulate specific challenges students are having with sustaining effort and persistence.

  2. Describe the role of monitoring progress in sustaining effort and persistence.

  3. Design a plan to implement one or more new strategies to solve specific challenges.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Practice creating a progress monitoring tool for an upcoming learning experience or unit.

  2. Vary the instructional approach to at least one strategy to account for face-to-face, blended, and/or virtual environments.

  3. Collect and record student learning data.

  4. Reflect individually or with peers to determine the impact of the strategies.


Start with the pre-assessment (below) to determine your path.



  • Set a learning intention for helping students sustain effort and demonstrate persistence in a face-to-face, blended, and/or virtual setting

  • Share your intention with a peer; note similarities and difference between how you are experiencing and approaching this challenge with your students

  • Evaluate: what types of supports are currently offered in this area? Which seem most successful and why?


Learn About


  • Watch this video with the lens of how monitoring progress 1) helps learners repeat successes with known solutions and 2) helps innovate when new solutions would be beneficial

  • When engaging students in a learning experience, they are more likely to take ownership of their process and outcomes if they are responsible for their data. Review these 2 strategies: progress monitoring and shared progress monitoring; note the key features of each. How might these engagement strategies support your learning intention from the LAUNCH?

  • Consider: what impact does learner agency have on students sustaining effort and showing persistence? Review one or more of the infographic continuums on this site using the notice and note strategy.

Think About


  • What claims can you make about why students struggle with sustaining effort and demonstrating persistence? What role might those claims play in which strategy you and your students select to increase effort over time?

  • Review the following strategies and reflect: Under which circumstances might each be useful?

  • How might you vary these persistence strategies so they are successful in face-to-face, blended, and virtual environments?

Talk About


  • Watch this video on sustaining effort. Focus on ways students can set goals, reflect on performance, and monitor progress as part of the learning cycle.

  • Talk with a peer about how collaboration, reflection, and feedback are used in their context to help learners sustain effort, particularly during challenges.

Figure Out


  • How might you use technology and/or analog tools to track progress over time? Review one of these resources and create a draft for an upcoming unit or learning experience:

  • How will you know when a strategy is working? What role will reflection play? What role will peer-to-peer feedback play?

  • MAY DO: Explore your grade band in this learning progression for the Universal Construct Productivity & Accountability. What are 3-5 learning targets you could pull from this progression that you could teach and provide feedback on as part of your students’ growth with sustaining effort and persistence?




  • Collect and record student data over a period of time

  • Which strategies are having the greatest impact under which circumstances?


  • Share what you are finding out / thinking / learning about with a peer or your PLC/CTT


Notice and Note Nonfiction Signposts.pdf
Persistence Strategies


Checkpoints include self-assessments, quick checks, peer feedback opportunities, etc. This is a way for you to determine if you are ready to move to the next module and/or if you would like to go deeper or return to previous modules for additional learning or practice.

Self Check



  • Tweet a strategy you learned about that you think will help your fellow educators to @MBAEA and @TheCenter_Iowa

Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.