Module 1: Brain Breaks

This module assumes you know and can do the following: (click to open drop-down)

Notice triggers that result in student behaviors.

Click here to receive additional resources related to this module to put in your educator toolbox.


The grain size we are using is the standard on the iNACOL document.

Learning Outcomes

  1. I can identify student responses that indicate hyper- or hypoarousal.

  2. I can use strategies to help students regulate and identify when they may need to self-regulate.

  3. I can model self-regulation in real time with students.

What I will DO in this module:

  1. Learn how to identify if a student is dysregulated and whether or not that dysregulation is showing hyper- or hypoarousal.

  2. Plan for the use of strategies to help students regulate.


Start with the pre-assessment (below) to determine your path.

Brain Breaks Pre-Assessment.JPG


Think About


  • Reflect on a time when you were content. A time when you were relaxed and ready to engage in anything. If someone was looking down on you during that time, what would they see? Describe what your behaviors looked like.

  • Switch gears. Reflect on a time when you were at a breaking point. A time when you hit your limit on what you could take. If someone was looking down on you during that time, what would they see? Describe what your behaviors looked like.


Learn About


  • What is regulation and dysregulation? Watch this video (minutes 1-3) or check out the following slides.

  • Think back to your “breaking point” behaviors from the LAUNCH, would you say they look like hyPER- or hyPOarousal behaviors? Compare your list to this slide.

  • MAY DO: Think about a student you are working with this year who seems to be dysregulated. Make a list of the behaviors you see that may indicate he/she is dysregulated. Compare your list to slide 6.

Talk About


  • When a student or adult is dysregulated and suffering from hyPOarousal, the goal is to use strategies to energize the system.

  • Strategies to energize the system may be called “energizing strategies” or “brain breaks.”

  • Check out these energizing strategies for grades k-6 or 6-12.

  • MAY DO: What strategies do you use with your students or a single student when they need to get up and move? Add your go-to energizing strategies to this Regulation Networking doc.

Figure Out


  • Hyperarousal is an abnormal state of increased responsiveness to stimuli that is marked by various physiological and psychological symptoms (such as increased levels of alertness and anxiety and elevated heart rate and respiration) Merriam-Webster

  • When a student or adult is dysregulated and suffering from hyPERarousal, the goal is to use strategies to calm the system.

  • Strategies to calm a system may be referred to as “calming strategies” or “focus attention strategies.”

  • Look at the calming strategies for grades k-6 or 6-12

  • MAY DO: What strategies do you use with your students or a single student when they need to calm down and bring their attention to focus? Add your go-to calming strategies to this Regulation Networking doc.



  • Reflect on a group of students or a single student you work with. What kind of strategies may be helpful to help this student move from a dysregulated state to a regulated state?

  • Create a plan for your next steps. Use this planning document or a planning tool of your choice to capture your ideas.

  • Share with colleagues at your school for feedback. What are you wondering about your plan?




  • Implement your plan.

    1. What went well? What evidence do you have?

    2. What challenges were present (what evidence do you have?) or what questions are you wondering?

    3. What do you see as next steps?

    4. What support might you need with next steps?


Brain Breaks Pre-Assessment.JPG
Personal Coping Skills Slides
Dysregulaton Strategies


Checkpoints include self-assessments, quick checks, peer feedback opportunities, etc. This is a way for you to determine if you are ready to move to the next module and/or if you would like to go deeper or return to previous modules for additional learning or practice.

Self Check


  • Share your plan on the Regulation Networking doc.

  • Want to be transparent? Put your contact information down and ask for feedback or open up your practice for others to ask you questions or watch you in action!

  • Want to really be transparent? Record your strategy with a group of students, and post it for others to see (be sure to get permission to post a video with your students first!).

Feedback - Multicolor Concept with Doodle Icons Around on White Brick Wall Background. Modern Illustration with Elements of Doodle Design Style.

If this is your last module you will complete in this playlist, please take a few minutes to provide feedback for us to improve your experience.