Shoulder Subluxation

Shoulder Subluxation

A common sports injury, occurs when the head of the humerus (upper arm bone) loses congruence with the glenoid fossa of the scapula (shoulder blade). A shoulder subluxation is closely related to a shoulder dislocation, but often not as severe.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • numbness in hand, forearm, upper arm

  • initial burning sensation, and warmth

  • instability when raising arm out to the side (jumping jack motion) and up in front (raising your hand motion)

  • pinching or sharp pain in back of shoulder when rotating arm in and out

I've subluxed my shoulder, what should I do now?

  • Go to the Athletic Trainer, or other qualified Healthcare professional to ensure the arm is back in it's correct place and there is sufficient blood flow and innervation to the distal hand

  • A rest period of 5-7 days is recommended to allow the joint capsule and musculature surrounding the shoulder to recover from the acute trauma.

  • After initial rest period if lingering pain, clicking, catching, or instability is felt an evaluation by an orthopedic physician and diagnostic imaging may be necessary.