Common Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries

During the course of a season, it is likely you might suffer from a sports injury. The majority (80%) of injuries are minor, and can be treated through proper management, ensuring a quick return to activity while maintaining your overall health and safety. It is important for you, as an athlete, to recognize the early signs of potential injuries so they don't become worse and result in lost time on the playing field. Smaller percentages (20%) of injuries are more serious, like fractures and dislocations. Serious injuries will take more time to heal, require more rehabilitation, will result in time lost from competition, and may ultimately require surgery.

This page will direct you to various types of common injuries suffered by athletes. A brief description of the anatomy, cause, symptoms, examination, treatment, and prevention are provided to give you a better understanding. If you are suffering from an injury, regardless of severity, it is important that you communicate with the Athletic Trainer so a proper evaluation is given, treatment is started, or proper referral to a specialist for further care.

Related links and articles are provided in columns to the right for more detailed or specific information.