
YHS Athletic Health Care Team (AHCT)

Justin Giuliano MS, ATC, NASM-PES - Yorktown Central School District, Certified Athletic Trainer. Mr. Giuliano works with all athletic teams here at Yorktown High School. You can often find him on the sidelines of home competitions, as well as away Varsity Football games. Some of Mr. Giuliano's responsibilities include; injury evaluation & diagnosis, taping & bracing musculoskeletal injuries, therapeutic modality intervention, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise prescription, injury prevention education, and overall nutritional and general medicine recommendations. Dually certified Mr. Giuliano is also a certified Performance Enhancement Specialist. This knowledge in Strength and Conditioning is helpful when educating and preparing Yorktown's student-athletes for competition and return to play.

Kimberly Cortese, R.N. - Yorktown High School Nurse. Mrs. Cortese is available for consultation every school day until 2:30pm. Mrs. Cortese oversees all of our student-athletes PPE's, athletic health forms, communicates with the school physician and athletic trainer regarding sports related injuries/illnesses, and ensures proper medical clearances have been obtained to return to sport participation/Phys. Ed. Mrs. Cortese is also a member of the District Concussion Management Team.

Louis Corsaro, M.D.- Chief Medical Officer for the Yorktown Central School District. Dr. Corsaro performs our pre-participation exams for athletes. Dates and times of PPE's are posted on our athletics homepage. Dr. Corsaro is also part of the District Concussion Management Team, and reserves the right for final clearance on all return to play medical clearances. Dr. Corsaro is available by appointment for evaluation to any student-athlete at YHS. You can also find Dr. Corsaro on the sidelines with the Athletic Trainer at all home football games.

Rob Barrett - Yorktown High School Athletic Director. Mr. Barrett administrates the athletic and Physical Education programs at YHS. He is responsible for the hiring of athletic coaching staffs, and educating on the policies and procedures of the athletic program at YHS. He oversees practice/game scheduling, ensures equipment safety and reconditioning, and administrates the maintenance of all athletic facilities at YHS. Mr. Barrett holds regular pre-season coaches meetings and communicates regularly with district administration and school medical personnel.