Rehabilitation Programs

Rehabilitation Programs

If you have sustained an injury and have started rehab in the Athletic Training room, then this is the page for you. Listed to the left are a few common rehab protocols. These are intended to supplement, not replace, the work you are doing with the Athletic Trainer. The programs are to be used as a guide and may not include the more advanced exercises you will receive as your therapy progresses.

Rehab Rules:

  • Do not begin any rehabilitation programs until your injury has been evaluated and you have been instructed to do so by the Athletic Trainer or your Doctor.
  • Only do exercises that you have been instructed to do.
  • Strengthening exercises should be done every other day, while stretching should be done daily.
  • These programs are to be used as a supplement to the rehab being done already, not a replacement. If you have any questions, ask the Athletic Trainer.