Solar Technology

Post date: Jul 19, 2017 9:28:20 AM

Shouldn't the world focus on improving the technologies in the renewable energy area? This is the question that I keep asking myself.

Ever since I was a kid, I have always been fascinated and amazed by the power of renewable energy, specifically solar energy. "How could the sun power my calculator?" I used to ask my parents in amazement. Growing up, time has always been an issue. Balancing schoolwork with my volunteering with my hobbies is not an easy thing, but I always seemed to find time to read about new solar technology inventions. I am not saying that I am an expert in the solar energy field, I am just saying that discovering new stuff about solar energy has always been a hobby of mine.

Looking back at all those year, I have to admit that I am disappointed that the world has not changed its mentality towards solar energy. There is still a lot of emphasis on the petroleum area and a lot of ignorance towards the renewable energy area. Of course, there have been some improvements over the years, just not at the required pace. We all know that the gasoline and petroleum in this world will not last forever, and so it is our duty to find appropriate solutions that could and would benefit the future generations. We may not immediately need those advanced solar technologies, but being well prepared for the future will be a great asset for us.

Plus, I really find the most recent solar inventions to be fun and interesting. A solar energy powered car is one of them. Harnessing solar energy to produce electricity to power our houses is another. Even powering our phones using a specific solar charger is a use of this energy.

I will not keep rambling on and on with other solar energy technologies. I just want to end this one a note stating that in the future, we will have to find ways to replace petroleum and gasolinde. I personally feel that renewable energy is one of those ways.

Note: If interested, a few solar technology articles will be placed in the links and resources section.