Merch Club 2018

Post date: Dec 28, 2018

As summer came to an end and school started, the UWC ISAK Merch club was tasked with the job of recruiting new members to the club. That, in addition to maintaining our business, sales, and participation in events. We have successfully recruited more than 10 new members as of today, and have also started selling our newest product, water bottles, to the community. This shows our commitment to this club, as all of us had to multitask to handle both the recruitment and sales, and it also displays the amplitude of the challenge that we had to deal with. This process also required all the old merch club members to work together, as no single person could handle the water bottle sales alone, and no single person can also handle recruiting new members alone.

I was personally involved with everything going on in the club, starting from ordering water bottles over the summer, all the way to selling the water bottles nowadays. I also printed a lot of merch club stickers in Oman over the summer, as it was cheaper that way, and honestly that was not an easy job. I had to be patient with the workers in the shop in Oman, as they could not quite understand what I wanted, however, with time and effort, they eventually understood me, and the stickers turned out to be amazing. They are our newest product, and they will be sold soon.

Overall, I am pretty happy with how things are going at Merch club right now. We have successfully recruited enough new members, and have also had successful water bottle sales. Merch club always had this negative reputation of being expensive and overpriced, however, we have changed that now, and have reduced our prices significantly. We realized that although this would result in less profits for our club, it would result in higher customer satisfaction, and this in my opinion, will then in turn result in higher profits for the club later on.