Adult Literacy

Centro Latino De Salud

609 N Garth Ave, Columbia, MO 65203

(573) 449-9442

English/Spanish classes, Computer skills, Health Education, After School Education Program for K-12 homework assistance. The mission of Centro Latino is to empower Latinos, Latino families and the general public through provision of services and guidance in navigating the health, education and cultural resources of mid-Missouri. Centro Latino provides assistance to immigrants as they become acclimated to their new environment with its different laws, customs, and language. Families and individuals that contact the Centro receive orientation to the community as well as physical, mental, and social support. The Centro strives to empower Latinos to live in an environment of mutual respect that encompasses personal interaction in the community as well as appropriate treatment by, and interaction with, service providers. Centro Latino helps all Latino families regardless of national origin, religion, or immigration status.

City of Refuge

10 N. Garth Ave., Columbia, MO 65203



City of Refuge serves refugee and immigrant families in Columbia and the surrounding community. They offer a variety of services that fall under three categories: Basic Needs Programs, Counseling, and Professional Development. Through relationship building and a written curriculum, City of Refuge extends several opportunities for English language learning including limited onsite English classes and the English Buddies program. These programs are designed with a range of goals from communicating in simple daily interactions to developing skills for school and workplace readiness. The primary goal is to assist refugee families as they move into becoming successful, contributing members of the community. 

Columbia Public Schools - Adult Learning Center

4203 S Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203  and J.W. Blind Boone Center  301 N. Providence Rd., Columbia, MO 65203 

573-214-3800   Fax: 573-214-3801

The Adult Learning Center has served adults in the Mid-Missouri area since 1978.  The ALC has class sites at the Family Impact Center, J.W. Blind Boone Center and Columbia Area Career Center. The purpose of the ALC is to assist adults in one or more of the following areas:

Free Adult English Language Classes: We offer classes during the day and evening at various locations in Columbia. Classes meet in person or online via Zoom. Times and days of the week are to be determined based on need. For current enrollment details, call our office at 573-214-3800 or email 

Daniel Boone Regional Library

Columbia Library: 100 West Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201

Southern Boone County: 109 Main St, Ashland, MO 65010

Columbia Hours: 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m. Friday, 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Saturday, 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Sunday

Southern Boone Hours: 9:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Monday-Thursday, 9:00a.m-3:00p.m. Friday and Saturday

Columbia (573)443-3161, Ashland (573)657-7378

For Adults: 

Services: Free access to books, audiobooks, magazines, music CDs, newspapers, DVDs, electronic resources and other library material; ESL and Spanish language materials; consumer and government information; telephone and e-mail reference information; public access computers; summer reading program for adults; One Read community reading program; events and classes for adults; bookmobile service to rural communities, neighborhoods and licensed child care centers; home and nursing home visits for homebound persons; liaison with Wolfner Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped; eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, comic books, streaming music, TV shows & movies, continuing education classes, genealogy resources, yearbook archive and other online resources

Fee: None 

Eligibility: Open to citizens of Boone County

Intake Procedures: Call Outreach Department for mail, bookmobile, and shut-in service; walk-in or phone for other services 

Required Documentation for Services: Proof of residency required for library card, some services available without a library card (reference services, magazines & newspapers, tax forms, etc.) Adults can apply online: 

Foreign Languages Spoken: Spanish is spoken by some staff 

The Excel Center 

101 N. Fourth St, Columbia, MO 65201


The Excel Center® is an accredited, tuition-free public high school that gives adults (age 21 and over) the opportunity to earn an actual high school diploma. While earning their diploma, students earn college credits and a variety of industry-recognized certifications in order to increase their earning potential. The Excel Center is a free public high school for adults that provides flexible class schedules, supportive relationships with staff and a life coach who works with students to find solutions for life’s challenges that could hinder progress. They are open year-round and operate with five terms per year each lasting 8 to 9 weeks. They offer both day and evening classes.

They provide a free drop-in center for child care, extended hours and year-round operation to support students as they work toward the goal of earning a diploma.


HiSET at Moberly Area Community College (MACC)

601 Bus. Loop 70 W, Ste. 216, Columbia, MO 65203

573-234-1067  FAX 573-234-2068 

The mission of the MACC AEL Program is to provide any citizen of this community and the surrounding area with access to free classes to prepare for the High School Equivalency (HSE) test to obtain a GED, improve basic skills, prepare for the workplace, or receive career counseling. It is also the goal of AEL to provide volunteer tutor assistance to any participating student whenever possible. The ultimate goal of the program is for students to successfully achieve educational and lifelong goals. The program offers a flexible classroom setting where adults who are at least 17 years old can learn at their own pace.

Missouri Department of Education, Adult Education and Literacy

205 Jefferson St., Jefferson City, MO 65102


The Missouri Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program provides assistance that helps Missouri adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. The major areas of support are Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English Language Acquisition. These programs emphasize basic skills such as reading, writing, math, English language competency, and problem-solving.

Eligible students – adults 17 years of age or older not presently enrolled in secondary school (or 16 years old not presently enrolled in secondary school but have completed 16 hours of credit toward high school graduation) and speakers of English as a second language.

WILL - Woods Institute of Language & Literacy

24 E Ash St., Columbia, MO 65203

Text or Call 573.424.0248

WILL provides instruction for adult English language learners working toward a High School Equivalency (HSE) Certificate, job and vocational training.  The classes are free and open to adults 16 years of age and older. This program is designed to develop English proficiency while studying academic and work skills.

WILL's mission is to remove barriers for education and work skills development of adults working to improve their socioeconomic status.

WILL meets with individuals and small groups either on line or in person. In person meetings require proof of current vaccine status.