PART D: INQUIRY : Measuring and Analyzing the Effects of pH OR Temperature changes on the Enzyme Catalase.
PART D: INQUIRY : Measuring and Analyzing the Effects of pH and Temperature changes on the Enzyme Catalase.
This is the fun, but challenging part. This is true Scientific Inquiry. It may be used as a science fair project starter. Your team will design the experimental procedure for investigating the effects of temperature OR pH on the enzyme action of catalase.
Design a procedure to investigate the enzyme. Submit a document with the team names and a written proposal. It MUST be approved in writing BEFORE ANY work is done.
The team's final report will need :
PURPOSE : MAKE A STATEMENT What are you testing? What will it show?
1. A complete procedure ( Which must be approved before the experiment).
The challenge will be using several probes simultaneously, and correctly.
You should investigate the effects of temperature or pH .
Some available materials include: HCl ( Strong acid), NaOH ( Strong Base), ice, tubing, clamps, disposable pipets.
2. Data records and graphical analysis You must experiment with adjusting the time measurements to larger increments, such as measuring every 5 seconds, rather than the default 0.1 second intervals.
Also, you will need to have data tables and graphs of data. Adjustments can be made in the SparkVue app.
Include a picture and /or labeled diagram of the experimental set up.
3. A conclusion paragraph explaining the results must be included.
4. All team members must be listed on the final report.