Lab 2: Microscope Use and Microscopic Measurements


The Purpose of the Laboratory Inquiry:

Microscopy is an important tool in medicine and biological sciences. We are reviewing the basic techniques that will be used in future laboratory inquiries. Questions to consider are : How can the compound and digital microscopes be used to investigate various tissues? What are the limits of light microscopy? How does a cross section compare to a longitudinal section? How does depth of field, field of view and magnification affect the images under a microscope?

This is an extensive laboratory activity designed to insure that you know how to use the different microscopes thoroughly.

Be sure to know :

1.0 x 10-6= 1.0 micrometer

1 micrometer is one millionth of a meter, or 0.000001 m


1.0 x 10-9 = 1.0 nanometer

1 nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or 0.000000001 m

The Proper use of a Microscope:

Complete these sections for the lab report:

1. Microscope Use LAB : documents

2. Questions to answer for the lab report

3. Digital Microscopy Document

- While your partners are using the digital scope, use a regular compound microscope to view and draw the Fish Blastula and Onion Root Mitosis. Try to find stages of mitosis. Label your drawings. These will be 100X or 400X.

4. Advanced Digital Microscope Manual: Document

5. Lab Report check list: 1. Drawings , short answers

2. Questions page

3. Four digital images of mitosis with measurements in um.

6. Alternative Lab for students who had Microbiology :

a. Doc 1

b. Doc 2