Tools Of BioTechnology
We will review some of the tools that we will be using in our lab activities. We will also investigate other tools that are used in BioTech Laboroarories.
This is an automated micropipette system used in reaserch laboratories.
A. Watch the videos and do a Google search . Describe the function of each of the five tools listed in a few sentences to a paragraph:
1. The Centrifuge :
2. Thermocycler: Use?
3. (Edvotek) Water Bath :
4. Gel Electrophoresis
5. Incubator
B. Follow these procedures:
1. Centrifuge : EACH PERSON : a. Obtain one 1.5 mL microcentifuge vile. Label it with a marker, with your initials or symbol/number and the letters "AB" .
b. Collect 0.6 mL of solution A. Add it to your vile "AB".
Close the lid tightly and shake.
c. Collect 0.6 mL of solution B, add to your vile "AB".
d. At the centrifuge , load your sample viles, AB, balancing them. The tubes MUST be balanced in the centrifuge . Set them opposite to one another, or add a counter weight tube. Spin them for 60 seconds. ( Use your watch, the clock, a timer app.) There are three centrifuges to be shared.
e. Remove the viles and record an observation.
2. Water bath: a. Place your microcentrifuge viles AB into a float. Press them all the way into the float, so that the solutions will be exposed to the water bath.
b. Heat the viles in the water bath for 1 minute at 37oC , and then remove them from heat. Place them in a rack.
3. Gel electrophoresis : a. Careful loading of a fragile gel is very important for success in gel electrophoresis.
Watch this video and take note of the possible mistakes and proper loading technique.
b. Obtain micropipette and tips for loading a 10.0 uL sample.
c. Locate the "practice gel". Load 10.0 uL of sample B into one of the gel wells. Each member of the group should do one sample loading. Rinse the practice gel in the sink.
d. Make an observation of the used gel . Be sure to touch it. ( If available.)
e. Set up and observe the gel electrophoresis equipment. Do not plug in the power unless directed.
Observe the fill line and tray set up. Do plug in the lead wires to the matching hole on the front of the power supply.; red and black.
Try a practice run of loading into the fragile gel. Observe any DNA fragment line that may be visible.
4. Incubator : Place sample "A" vile into a rack in the incubator set to 60oC . Check the temperature.
Incubate for one hour.