LAB Procedures

These are the Scheduled LAB Activities :

 Lab Reports :            NEAT    -     Complete    -    On Time 

 LAB 1 : (An  Activity) DNA structure and function,  Modeling

 LAB 2: ( A Summative Performance Assessment) Compound Microscopes and introduction to digital microscopy and micrometer measurements -        Microscope Documents

 LAB 3: ( An Activity) Making Chemical Solutions for BioMedical Technology  - Documents

 LAB 4: Introduction to Micropipetting   - 

                                                                a. Introduction

                                                                b.  Documents  

                                                                c. Lab Report Requirements

 LAB 5 : Tools of BioTechnology - Documents 

 LAB 6 : Introduction to Gel Electrophoresis -Pre-LAB Documents  

             LAB 6 :    A. 2018 Documents                      B. Documents  

             LAB 6 Report Requirements :  Lab Report

             LAB 6: Micro Bio  AltLab Epidemic Simulation  ( Option PASCO Exploration)

 LAB 7 : Medical Inquiry ONE : Documents

 LAB 8: ELISA and Lyme Disease Inquiry : Documents

LAB 9 : PASCO Enzyme Lab : Documents

LAB 10 :  Medical Inquiry Two : Pathology

LAB 11: Introduction to PCR with Gel electrophoresis :  skip Lab  S-48 : Polymerase Chain Reactions

Lab 12 : Complete the PreLab Questions as part of the Lab Report:

              Quick PCR : PreLAB  : Lab 372                               Lab 372 Procedure 

             Slides on RT-PCR introduces PCR concepts


Lab13: Detecting COVID-19 with Reverse Transcription PCR ( RT-PCR): RT-PCR

                          Periodical : PCR Testing for Covid-19 Document

LAB 14: Cleavage of DNA , PCR and Gel Electrophoresis of  Eco R1 Restriction Enzyme 

                              A.  PreLab 

                              B.  Lab 212  ( Updated 2021)


LAB 15 : Cloning of A PCR Amplified Gene: 

                                                                     A. PreLab                   

                                                                     B.  Lab 331 Procedure 

Lab 16: RNA Microarrays : Lab 235 Procedure

Lab 17 : Western Blot HIV Detection ( Simulated): Lab 275 Procedure

____________________________________________Additional Labs may be done as time and materials allow: 

LAB  : Bioluminescence

LAB  : Analysis of Proteins : Fish Proteins

LAB : Identification of genetically Modified Food

LAB  : Bacterial Transformation