PASCO Enzyme Lab
This is an INQUIRY. We are exploring the use to the PASCO probes and the SparkVue data analysis app, as well as the properties of enzymes.
You will be working with a team. All data and results should be shared among the team members. All members should be contributing to the Inquiry.
PART A : Set up of the PASCO probes and measuring pH changes in a solution.
PART B: Measuring Temperature Changes
SAVING GRAPHS and Sharing in Google Drive
PART C: Catalase Enzyme Action
PART D: INQUIRY : Measuring and Analyzing the Effects of pH and Temperature changes on the Enzyme Catalase.
PART E: LAB Report
PASCO Instructional Videos
PASCO pH calibration Video
PASCO Wireless Sensors
PASCO has many videos available which help with set up.